Who Is Yokratom?

Kratom is becoming more and more popular across the globe and for several good reasons. As the demand for kratom increases, more suppliers are hitting the market – vendors just like Yokratom.

As you may be aware, not all kratom is created equal, and not all kratom vendors are, either. Here is a deep dive into Yokratom to help you understand what this company is all about and what you can expect if you choose to buy their kratom.


Yokratom: Who Are They?

Yokratom is not a behemoth in the kratom world. Founded in 2018, this company is still working to build up its brand in the larger kratom marketplace, which may be why you’ve never heard of them.

You cannot find any details from Yokratom on their website about where they operate – which is something that should give you pause. Any details about this company are incredibly hard to find and the fact that they hold their cards so tightly to their chest is something that should make you question their products – and if you read reviews, their products are questionable. More on that later.

Suffice to say, Yokratom is a brand you may have never heard of until now. Unlike Oasis Kratom who has been working hard for years to carve a quality niche in the world of kratom. When a deep dive on a company cannot get you info about their operations or origins, that should be a red flag.

Is Yokratom AKA Accredited?

If you’re a fan of Oasis Kratom, then you likely know how important transparency is. We want you to know where our kratom comes from and that it’s high in quality and consistency. One way this is achieved is through accreditation by the American Kratom Association. The AKA gives their thumbs up to companies who have passed audits on lab-testing for quality, purity, and safety.

Yokratom is not accredited by the AKA. And as far as we can tell, they also do not conduct lab testing on their kratom – at least, they don’t have results of any lab testing available on their website. They have no information about the sourcing of their kratom at all, so it’s very difficult to tell anything about the quality of the products they offer.

What Products Does Yokratom Offer?

The one area where Yokratom does seem to shine is its website. It’s easy to find the products they have to offer.

You can buy kratom powder and kratom capsules from Yokratom. They offer whitegreen, and red-veined kratom varieties, including:

  • Maeng Da
  • Red Bali
  • Borneo
  • Hulu
  • Trainwreck
  • Malay
  • Super Indo
  • Vietnam

You can purchase as little as 30 grams or as much as 1 kilogram of powder. The capsules come in one kilogram, 300 counts, 150 counts, and 65 counts.


Yokratom is likely successful because of its pricing structure – which is some of the most inexpensive kratom powder you can find. That may seem like a good thing at first glance, but when not backed by any sort of product testing or sourcing information, you may begin to suspect that the pricing is more reflective of the quality of the products they offer.

Having said that, you can purchase a kilo of kratom powder from Yokratom for only $59.99 and a kilo of capsules for only $119.99. For $15.99 you can purchase 65 capsules of kratom, $34.99 will buy 150 capsules, and $59.99 will buy you 300 capsules.

For the powder, you can get 30 grams for $12.99, 100 grams for $34.99, 250 grams for $49.99, and a four-strain kilo pack for $99.99.

What Are Customers Saying?

There is no shortage of opinions about Yokratom on the internet and most don’t have great things to say. Many former customers say that it’s a brand that should be avoided because the quality of the kratom is not great – a total “you get what you pay for” situation according to many. An overwhelming majority of the information you can find online about customer experience and satisfaction with the brand is very negative with a few suspiciously positive reviews thrown in. They also don’t tend to get back to customers regarding questions or concerns. Many have said in reviews that their queries went completely unanswered.

Yokratom Coupon Codes

Yokratom frequently offers coupon codes on their website and they will email you with special offers and other pricing specials if you sign up for their email alerts. This vendor also draws traffic to its website by doing giveaways periodically. Most recently, for example, they did a giveaway for a PlayStation 5 that coincided with the Black Friday holiday.

Refunds at Yokratom

Yokratom does have a refund policy. To qualify for an exchange or a refund, you must contact their customer service team within 30 days of receiving the product. They do not pay return shipping fees, even if the product is defective, and they won’t take care of the shipping fees for replacements, either.

To qualify for the return or exchange, your product must be in its original packaging in untampered and unopened condition. The seal on the bag cannot be broken if you wish to receive a refund and they reserve the right to refuse your product refund.


Yokratom has a variety of shipping options available including UPS, FedEx, USPS, and Priority Mail. They claim to ship out their products the same day they are ordered

Yokratom: Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for high-quality, lab-tested kratom, then you’re not going to find that at Yokratom. Without third-party lab tests results available or any information about the sourcing of their kratom, this isn’t a kratom brand that is highly recommended. Sure, they have low prices – but you can get a much higher quality product from vendors like Oasis Kratom for just a few dollars more. As far as we can tell, it’s not a reliable company to source your kratom and you may end up with a powder that has lost its potency or, in the worst case, is hazardous to you.